Indonesia is a maritime nation with tremendous diversity of geographical and climate features.  Regardless, natural disasters are usually inevitable. The most crucial action to prevent further damage is through coordination with stakeholders especially by strengthening the disaster fast response including medical doctors. However, the disaster potentials outnumber the well-trained and skilled medical professionals especially for the disaster response team due to lack of number and uneven distribution of professional and specialized medical doctors. The role of general practitioners is absolutely critical during the natural disaster events especially in primary healthcare facilities. According to Minister of Research and Technology and High Education Decree of Republic of Indonesia No. 720/KPT/I/2017, Medical Faculty of University of Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) is officially established on December 13th 2017 with two major programs offered: Bachelor of Medicine (S.ked) and Medical Doctor (dr.) profession. With great passion, Faculty of Medicine of UAD hopes to give contributions and solutions by theoretically and practically teach the students about medically approach of disaster mitigations and emergency handling for humanity in general.

The Faculty of Medicine of UAD is located at Campus IV, Jl. Ahmad Yani, Tamanan, Banguntapan, Bantul where the first stone is placed by the Ministry of Research and Technology and High Education himself, Prof. H. Mohamad Nasir on March 22nd 2018.

          As for the organization structure, the faculty is led by Prof. Dr. dr. Rusdi Lamsudin, Sp.S (K), M.Med, Sc as the Dean, dr. Agus Sukaca, M.Kes as the Vice of Dean, dr. M. Junaidy Heriyanto, Sp.B FINACS as the Head of Bachelor of Medicine Program and dr. Barkah DP, Sp.PD as the Head of Medical Doctor profession program.

          Previously, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan is developed from the Institute of Teacher Training and Education (IKIP) Muhammadiyah of Yogyakarta. IKIP Muhammadiyah of Yogyakarta, as a higher education institution, is developed from the branch of FKIP Muhammadiyah of Jakarta in Yogyakarta, which was established on November 18th, 1960. FKIP Muhammadiyah was the continuation of BI Muhammadiyah course in Yogyakarta, which was established in 1957. At that time, BI course provided a number of majors, including Educational Science, Law Civics and Economics.

          On December 19th, 1994 with the Decree (SK) of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 102/D/0/1994, it was determined that IKIP Muhammadiyah of Yogyakarta was converted into Universitas Ahmad Dahlan